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Riverway Youth Day - Heritage

"We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history." -Ellen G White, Life Sketches, p. 196. 

We all have a story, and a history which has made us who we are today. One of the most dangerous things that we can do as Christians is to forget our past experiences. But when we keep what God has done for us in the forefront of our experience, our faith in what he can do for us in the days ahead will grow and grow.

On the 24th October, Riverway Church will be hosting our Youth Day. We invite everyone to  Join us as Pastor Jerry Smith and the Riverway Youth explore the topic of our heritage - both as individual Christians and as a church body.

May 23

'Victorious Life' - Youth week of prayer, with Dean Cullinane

February 11

Something to Sing About - Riverway Music Day & Fundraising Concert