"We have nothing to fear for the future, except as we shall forget the way the Lord has led us, and His teaching in our past history." -Ellen G White, Life Sketches, p. 196.
Sometimes it can feel like our faith was formed in a vacuum. It's easy to forget that the God we read about through the stories in the Bible, is the same God that has been present throughout our history, guiding His church to this day. Come and join us for Riverway's youth day as we discover how God has worked through individuals and groups just like ourselves; Heroes of faith such as the Waldensians, Tyndale, Luther, Calvin and more.
On 30th September Riverway's youth will present our reformation history in an exciting way that will engage and challenge you. We'll be Joined by S.E.C. Teens Director, Pastor Juan Carlos Patrick, who'll present a message in the morning, and after lunch (which will be provided) we'll have an interractive programme. Join us and invite your friends