For Riverway's Communion service Elder Ashley shares a message on the importance of remembering.
Looking at the accounts of the woman with an issue of blood, and the healing of Jairus' daughter in, Jody Bloom challenges us to consider what it means to reach out in faith.
SEC Executive Secretary Pastor Nathan Stickland Joins us to share a powerful message on Matthew 14.
Sister Chingy Bloom examines the life of Jeremiah and shares some powerful personal testimonies which highlight God's leading in our lives.
With a focus on personal ministries and evangelism, Elder Joe Amankwah reflects on how we as Christians are all called for duty.
To mark the end of 2024 and the start of 2025, Elder Ashley Bloom Shares part 2 of a series on the life of Joseph. (Audio & Slides only)
To mark the end of 2024 and the start of 2025, Elder Ashley Bloom Shares part 1 of a series on the life of Joseph.
For Riverway's Communion service, pastor Japheth examines Colossians Chapter 1, and how Jesus serves as a bridge, connecting us to our Heavenly Father.
Elder Carol Mamora challenges us to ensure that our Christianity is practical and ministers to those around us.
Serena Pascall shares a powerful personal testimony exploring how we can still experience the peace of God in the midsts of our grief.
Is meekness weakness? Does it mean being timid and not standing up for anything? Or is it rather controlled strength? Elder Dominic Gyasi continues our series on the Beatitudes by exploring the Biblical truth of what it means to be Meek.
For the SEC's Creation Sabbath, Brother Ezekiel Mudzi examines the concept of being spiritually dead, while physically alive. And how Jesus can resurrect us from this condition.
As Part of Riverway's prayer, fasting and testimony service, Pastor Japheth continues our theme of the Beatitudes, looking specifically at the statement 'Blessed are those who mourn'.
Daniel Bruneau addresses an often overlooked trait of the Christian life; Vulnerability - and how in the eyes of God it leads to true strength.
Elder Hugh Grey examines some of the most crucial differences of a life lived for ourselves and a life dedicated to living for God.
Elder Sam gives us a timely reminder of the need to be ready in our Christian lives, especially in the time of Earth's history in which we are living
Pastor Matthew Herel Revisits the account of our first parents hiding from God in the Garden of Eden, and reflects on how we still try to hide from God today, yet he pursues us in love.
Cheyna is a full time 'Musicianary' based in California. She is committed to spreading the gospel through her musical talent. We were blessed as she shared an evening of her musical ministry
Touching on themes of The Great Disappointment, as well as the story of the rich young ruler, and a powerful personal testimony, Elder Emosi Naivalu encourages us not to allow our faith to be shaken when we go through times of disappointment.
How do we respond when God seemingly guides us on an unexpected detour, instead of what seems straightforward to us? Through the story of the Israelites on the borders of the Red Sea, Elder Ashley explores why we are sometimes taken 'The Long Way Round'
Pastor Alex returns to Riverway to shine a light on what it means to manage God's resources through Biblical stewardship.
For Riverway's Communion Service, Pastor Japheth shares a reflection on the impact of Jesus' sacrifice for us today.
Pastor Wilson Lagos brings some powerful lessons from the accounts of Jesus feeding the 5000, and the 4000 in the Gospels.
Chisha Chitambala concludes Riverway's series on the fruit of the Spirit by exploring the traits of Gentleness & Self Control
Continuing the theme of 'Fruit of the Spirit'. Adrian Van Aswegen shares some powerful reflections on the meaning of true Faithfulness.
'God is Good.' It's a phrase we often use. But what does Biblical Goodness really entail? Elder Ashley Bloom examines the sixth Fruit of the Spirit in our ongoing series.
Jermaine Wong took us to Mount Sinai where God's kindness to His people was revealed in His Ten Commandments.
Through the contrasting accounts of Jacob & Esau, and David & Saul, Jody Bloom examines the spiritual gift of patience.
Pastor Alex focusses on John 14, and Jesus' powerful promise that he will give us peace - not as the World gives, but a peace that passes all understanding.
Elder Laith Wallace continues our Fruit of the Spirit series by speaking on 'Joy - Beyond Circumstances,' Sharing some powerful scriptures, personal testimonies and medical research, he highlights the importance of a Spirit-centred joy in our lives.
Elder Ashley Bloom begins our series by exploring the greatest fruit - Love. There are so many interpretations for how the world sees love, but what can we understand from the Bible about what this word really means in our lives; God's love for us, and the love we as a church should have for each other?
Pastor Alex examines the story of blind Bartimeus' encounter with Jesus. And asks the challenging question; when it comes to those in need, are we acting as a barrier to keep them away from Christ, or a support to bring them to Him?
Continuing on from the previous message: 'Building an Attitude of Gratitude'. Elder Ben explores the importance of service to our lives as Christians.
Valerie Bloom shares a powerful message about what it means to be engaged in a strange battle...a spiritual battle between Christ and Satan, which he fights on our behalf.
To Close Riverway's Youth Week of Prayer, Elder Monique Joseph shares a message entitled 'Connect 4'; Examining how we stay connected to God in our spiritual lives.
The fifth session of Riverway's Youth Week of Prayer 2024. Presented by Elder Monique Joseph.
The fourth session of Riverway's Youth Week of Prayer 2024. Presented by Elder Monique Joseph.
The third session of Riverway's Youth Week of Prayer 2024. Presented by Elder Monique Joseph.
The second session of Riverway's Youth Week of Prayer 2024. Presented by Elder Monique Joseph.
The Opening Session of Riverway's Youth Week of Prayer 2024. Presented by Elder Monique Joseph.
Pastor Alex explores Psalm 100, and what it really means to connect with God through genuine praise and worship.
Exploring the story of the woman at the well, Chingy Yuen shares the testimony of how God has worked in her own life and, when it comes to our Heavenly Father, how we can be About our Father's business.
Sometimes it isn't the dramatic, purposeful choice to turn away from God, but the slow, creeping compromises that can derail our spiritual connection. Elder Ree Muroiwa examines this topic - Mind the Gap
Referencing the Blind man who Jesus healed in John 9, Pastor Alex examines what it means to be healed from our spiritual, as well as physical blindness.
Elder Sam Walters shares some powerful reflections from Luke 19, - the story of Jesus' life-changing encounter with Zacchaeus.
Pastor Royston Smith continues to encourage Riverway's focus on outreach and evangelism, by exploring the account of Philip bringing Nathanael to come and encounter Jesus for himself.
Derek Morrison shares his amazing journey of growing up as a black child, in a white family, the challenges he found with racism and his eventual acceptance of faith.
For Riverway's first communion service of 2024, Elder Ashley Bloom asks the question, 'What does it mean to be worthy to partake in the Lord's Supper?'
Elder Daniel Bruneau begins the messages for 2024 by inviting us to come back to Jesus and 'Reset'.
Looking at the familiar story of the Nativity. Pastor Alex examines the birth of Jesus from the perspectives of all of the people involved
Pastor Royston Smith explores some very practical methods of evangelising, and becoming ‘contagious Christians’
Elder Darren Pascall draws from 1 Thessalonians 4, and recent personal experiences to examine what it means for us as believers to 'comfort one another' with our words.
For Riverway's Youth day, Elder Laith Wallace shares some powerful personal testimonies, as he explores how God consistently uses us to witness in unexpected ways and to make the seemingly impossible, possible.
Elder David Billet explores the account of the Demoniac healed by Jesus in Mark Chapter 5.
In Chapter 14 of Exodus; at the borders of the Red Sea, with the Egyptian army in pursuit, many of the Israelites asked the question: 'why has God led us here?'. Elder Clive Richardson speaks powerfully on the Israelite's dilemma, and addresses how we can react when we feel trapped through God's leading.
Ashley Bloom examines one of the most surprising of Jesus' statements found in the Gospel of John - Not only that His disciples would follow in his footsteps, but do even greater things.
Elder Clairmont shares a powerful message on the theme of ‘The Multitude.’
Focussing on two key passages from the books of John and Romans, Elder Sam Thompson explores how we can have total trust in the LORD.
Andrew Lombart shares a thought-provoking message on the theme of listening with love.
Taking a journey through the scriptures, Brother Claris Lombart shares some powerful reflections on the Bible's recurring statement that 'God is with Us'.
Pastor Owusu-Boateng, SEC Director of Sabbath School and Adventist Muslim Relations, presents ways in which the church can grow and thrive in the community through the Sabbath School programme.
Elder Ashley Bloom shares a message concluding our beatitudes series - focussing on the revolutionary (and apparently contradictory) message of Jesus - Blessed are the Persecuted
Continuing our series on the Beatitudes, Jody Bloom shares a short reflection on the blessing pronounced on those who pursue peace.
Tarryll Grays shares a reflection on what it means to have a purity of heart - more than simply being untouched by Sin, it is a genuine transformation by the sanctifying power of Christ
Pastor Alex shares a timely message asking us to examine whether we are simply going through the motions of religion, or if we are on a meaningful journey with Jesus.
Pastor Alex challenges us with the powerful question: ‘what has having God in your life done for you?’
Tamara Muroiwa shares an insightful message, reminding us that, as well as the significant moments of trial or achievement it is the small, seemingly mundane things in life that God assigns to us as our mission.
Re-examining stories from the life of Joseph, and Jesus, Brother Claris Lombart brings us back to the eternal truth, that God is Love
Elder Ben Bruneau examines the reassurance and Peace that comes from trusting God with our lives.
For 2023's Global Youth Day, Ashley Bloom shares a message about Love being expressed in sacrifice - specifically Jesus' sacrifice for us in His life, death and resurrection.
For Riverway's Youth Day, Elder Darren Pascall shares a powerful sermon drawing from his own testimony, of how we can change our mindset, and the way we see God, in order to become Outstanding for Him.
Mar 19, 2023
Pastor Alex takes us through the Gospel accounts of Jesus' miracles leading up to the storm on Lake Galilee, and how we can learn to trust in God in the most trying times.
Ashley Bloom examines the theme of spiritual strongholds - habitual sins that can cause us to become discouraged about our walk with God. In this message we see what Christ says about overcoming them, through His strength.
Jan 23, 2023
Following on from his message about Jesus being 'The Way', Elder Daniel Bruneau shares a thought provoking sermon about the nature of reality, and what Jesus means when he claims that he is The Truth.
Enjoy Riverway's complete carol service for 2022 - including readings and music from the congregation, and a sermonette from Pastor Alex
Elder Daniel Bruneau examines Jesus' assertion that He is 'The Way', and what it means for how God views us.
Tony Clairmont takes us through a powerful examination of Mary's Alabaster Box. And what it means to give ourselves completely to God.
Ashley Bloom reflects on the story of the disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane, and explores how, with the Spirit's intervention, we can overcome our human frailties
For Riverway's communion service, In a week where the country lost it's Head of State, Pastor Alex reflects on the time where Jesus - the King of Kings - gave up His life for His people.
Pastor Lombart shares a powerful message about the reality of Hope for the Christian.
Through looking at the amazing encounter between Paul and Ananias, Chisha Chitambala explores how we as Christians can do more to be available to our friends, family and anyone who needs a revelation of God's love.
Sharing some powerful personal testimonies, Elder Apollo explores how we as Christians relate to time.
The life of Moses was marked by an unwavering humility and faithfulness to God. However one incident at the end of his life seemed to shut him out of his inheritance in the Promised land. Ashley Bloom examines how even in the tragedy of Moses' death, the goodness, mercy and love of God shine through.
Referencing the writings of Peter and Paul, Elder Ben examines what God is trying to teach us about perseverance and Endurance.
Pastor Alex shares a message on the early life of Moses; and reflects on how God drew him from a place of indecisiveness to full commitment to His cause.
Pastor Sam Davies leads us through a reflection on the parable of the wedding feast, and what it means that Jesus wants to come in and dine with us.
Focussing on some of the most celebrated stories in the Bible, Dan Robinson reminds us of the reality that we serve a God who regularly makes the impossible possible.
Valerie Bloom shares a timely message, looking at the lives of two intriguing characters from the Book of Genesis - Lot and Noah. Though both were described as 'righteous men' they made very different choices, which still impact us today.
Ashley Bloom examines the life of the Patriarch, Jacob. We explore what his story teaches us about relying on God, rather than trying to depend on our own cunning.
As Riverway came together for our first full in-person communion service for a couple of years, Pastor Alex shared a powerful message reflecting on the love that Jesus demonstrated to us in his sacrifice on Calvary.
Pastor Alex shares a powerful message from the story of Ruth, exploring the how we can avoid missing out on God's blessings for us, when we're-it off by the 'fine print'.
What could cause a hero of faith like Elijah to waver and run away from his calling? Taryll Grays explores the story of Elijah's flight in 1 Kings 19, and shares what we can learn from God's care and restoration.
in this exploration of the Story of Saul & Samuel, Pastor Alex gives us a timely reminder of why God delights in obedience more than sacrifice.
Pastor Petrof shares a powerful message, examining how Jesus and his Disciples related to the Sabbath commandment in the face of opposition from the pharisees. And how we can learn from His example today.
Looking with a fresh perspective at the Armour of God described by Paul in the book of Ephesians, Elder Darren Pascall encourages us to Continue to grow in our Christian experience.
In this first message of 2022, Ashley Bloom challenges us to Live intentionally, rather than simply going through the motions - looking at the wisdom of Solomon, Paul and Jesus.
In Riverway's final message of 2021, Pastor Alex examines Jesus messages of warning about leaven - how the doctrine and practices of the Pharisees, Sadducees and Herod represent traits that we need to be aware of in our Christianity today
Referencing the Fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5, Daniel Bruneau shares some powerful insights into the need of spirit - led kindness in the Church.
Pastor Alex brings explores the characteristics of James and John - the Sons of Thunder.
Looking at the account of Lot escaping from Sodom, the Israelites being freed from Egypt, and several other Biblical accounts, Myrin Hall asks the question: 'Do I have a place in Heaven?'
Pastor Israel Williams presents a powerful message examining the contrasts between Jesus' encounters with the Pharisee Nicodemus, and the Woman at the Well.
For Riverway's Communion service, Pastor Alex shares a timely message about how to truly prepare to take part in this sacred ordinance
Ashley Bloom explores the dangers of self-righteous human wisdom, by looking at the example of Nicodemus.
Tamara Muroiwa shares some powerful personal testimonies in her message about seeing our lives through God's eyes - with the Eye of Faith
Pastor Claude Lombart contrasts the unbelief of the leaders in Jesus' time, with Christ's authority, as seen in Chapter 7 of John's Gospel
Claris Lombart shares some reflections from the Biblical account of Cornelius
Pastor Alex Shares a timely message about being conscious of God's presence at times where we feel isolated or alone
Dan Robinson examines the events of Acts Chapter 27; As Paul and his companions are caught in a terrible storm on their journey to Rome, the Bible reveals to us how God was in control of the seemingly hopeless situation
Elder Ben Bruneau examines the things that cause us to be anxious, and why putting our trust in God can enable us to overcome them.
For Riverway's Men's Ministry emphasis day, Elder Devon Boyd reflects on the story of Jonah, and how we can learn from his example, to stop running from God in our lives.
Elder David Billett shares a powerful message on how believers can overcome fear, when we put our trust in God
For Riverway's Communion service, Pastor Alex brings us back to the central theme of our faith - the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ himself, to secure our salvation
Focussing on the experiences of Paul and Silas as they are arrested and thrown into prison, Elder Jimmy Musonda shares some reflections on how God's will can often seem strange and inexplicable to us, but how, ultimately it is the only dependable way.
As Riverway Church opened for it's first in-person service in a year, Past Alex shared a timely message about hiding in God
For Riverway's Health Emphasis Day, Valerie Bloom walks through the Biblical principles of health outlined in the NEWSTART programme.
Focussing on the account of the rich, young ruler coming to Jesus, Elder Darren Pascall explores what it really means to trust Jesus, and not our own works for our salvation.
Looking at some of Jesus' interactions with the Pharisees, found in the book of Matthew, Pastor Alex shares a challenging message on how we as church members interact with those around us.
Elder Glen Boothe explores the Journey of the Patriarch Jacob, and his encounters with God as he fled his home and returned.
Iheanyi Obasi shares a powerful message, reminding us of the importance of communal intercessory prayer, as the people of God
Dr Daniel Bruneau preaches a powerful sermon on ‘The Root of all Genuine Promises’.
On this Easter weekend, Jody Bloom takes a look at the lives of three men who encountered Christ on his way to the cross, and the impact He had on them.
Pastor Alex shares some powerful reflections from the disciple's experience, as Riverway celebrates it's first virtual communion service
Rachel Anderson shares a powerful message for Global Youth Day 2021, referencing the life of Jonah, and examining what it means to 'Be the Sermon'
For Riverway's Women's Emphasis Day, Elder Marlene Levy shares a powerful examination of the life of Ruth
Nicole Gooden shares a powerful message from the Book of Habakuk about trusting God, even when you’re going through the toughest circumstances
David Buruchara Kicks off Riverway's 'Christian Home and Marriage Week' with a powerful reflection on John 13, Showing how Jesus' love for us is the model for our relationships with others.
As part of Riverway's 10 Days of Prayer 2021 programme, Elder Leslene Peat-Brown shares an inspiring message, examining the powerful revival movements of the past, in countries like Wales and the USA. She also asks what revival means to us today.
Pastor Alex examines how our spiritual growth is not only related to a vertical connection with God, but our relationships with other people are an essential component; and how this is incorporated into our experience as a church.
In a very special programme, the Riverway members share a celebration of the birth of Christ, through readings and song, in our Virtual Carol Service.
Elder Laith Shares a powerful Message. taking inspiration from Jesus' prophetic Mission of Luke 4: 16-20.
Pastor Alex Shares a reflection on Moses' experience with the Israelites, and what we can learn, when it comes to how we treat one another in the Church family.
Concluding Riverway's Week of Prayer, Pastor Lolly Fontaine shares some reflections on the theme of Integrity, in this interactive message.
Pastor Alex explores the account of the woman caught in adultery in John 8, through the experience of the Pharisees, the crowd and the woman herself.
Pastor Alex reflects on what it means for God's character to be reflected - in His Word, and in us, as His people.
What does it mean to be 'a pilgrim and a stranger'? Ashley Bloom examines the Bible's focus on living in the world, but it not being our ultimate home.
Elder Pete Price joined our online service at Riverway, and shared some powerful reflections on one of the best-loved portions of Scripture; the 23rd Psalm.
Dr Chris Levy shares a powerful message from the Book of Matthew, examining the lives of people that Jesus encountered who were in need of more than just physical healing.
Pastor Alex provides a unique perspective on the story of Jesus' encounter with Zacchaeus.
Tamara Muroiwa shares a timely message reflecting on Jesus' words in Matthew 6: "Give us this day our daily bread."
Pastor Adam Ramdin - NEC Youth Director, and presenter of the documentary series 'Lineage' shares a powerful message highlighting the lives of some of the key figures of the Reformation, and challenging us with the question - 'will we choose a comfortable life, or stand up for God when it matters most?'
Rachel & Angela Anderson share a rendition of the beautiful song 'You Raise Me Up'
Daniel Bruneau explores what the Bible means when it tells us to 'Wait upon the Lord'
Laith Wallace shares a timely message for the Church, examining Jesus' words to the Pharisees in Matthew 23, we are challenged to get rid of our masks and become 100% genuine with God.
Br. Claris Lombart provides an in-depth study on the Biblical foundations of the Seventh-Day Sabbath.
Rachel & Angela Anderson sing a beautiful arrangement the well - loved hymns ‘Great is Thy Faithfulness’, and 'My Jesus I Love Thee'
Following on from an amazing two-part series on Biblical Archaeology, Jody Bloom continues to take us through some more examples of recent archaeological discoveries that give powerful evidence supporting the reliability of scripture. Part 3 focusses on the intriguing site of Khirbet Qeiyafa, and what it reveals about one of ancient Israel’s greatest Kings.
Susan, Rachel & Katie, accompanied by Angela perform the well-loved hymn encouraging us to 'Take it to The Lord in Prayer'
Rachel & Katie, accompanied by Angela Anderson cover Chris Tomlin's rendition of the classic hymn 'Amazing Grace'
As we go through often troubling times, Elder Jermaine Wong explains why we still have no need to fear, if we trust in God.
How should we deal with the fear and panic around us? Is there something we can learn from the experience of Jesus’ own disciples?
Pastor Aris Vontzalidis draws out some important lessons from the Lord's Prayer. Challenging us to rethink the way that we communicate with God.
Pastor Jerry Smith examines a dilemma that often comes up for Christians; considering the time that has passed since Christ's ascension, are prophecies of his return still relevant for us today?
Christina Thomas shares a powerful message on three gospel accounts of Jesus healing blind men, and reflects on our need for spiritual clarity in our own lives
In the second instalment of a two - part series, archaeologist Jody Bloom takes us through some examples of recent archaeological discoveries that give powerful evidence supporting the reliability of scripture. Part 2 focusses on the magnificent ancient city of Babylon.
In this first instalment of a two - part series, archaeologist Jody Bloom takes us through some examples of recent archaeological discoveries that give powerful evidence supporting the reliability of scripture. Part 1 focusses on Assyria - specifically the conquest of the ancient city of Lachish
Costa Vaggas shares a thought-provoking exploration of God's love for us with this challenging question.
Through the Book of Revelation, Pastor Jerry Smith examines the cosmic conflict that is taking place in our world, and the secret of how we can overcome our adversary through God's power.
This week's message focussed on the life of one of the most striking figures in the New Testament - John the Baptist
Pastor Jerry Smith shares a powerful message on the Sabbath - how keeping it is primarily about preserving our relationship with God.
Focussing on Luke’s parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin, visiting speakerStephen George explores the question: ‘How much are we worth to God?’
For Riverway's AYS service, Chisha Chitambala shared a some practical, biblical advice on reaching others with your personal testimony.
As well as ministering with a sermon, and afternoon programme, Riverway was blessed to have Chisha Chitambala & Stephen George perform a cover of Neville Peter's song 'Tears in Heaven'.
As well as ministering with a sermon, and afternoon programme, Riverway was blessed to have Chisha Chitambala & Stephen George perform a cover of Neville Peter's song 'Carry You'.
Pastor Jerry Smith and Elder Ashley Bloom contrast two incidents in the lives of Jesus and His disciples which demonstrate powerfully the necessity of prayer.
Riverway Seventh-Day Adventist Church was officially dedicated on the 26th September 1998. 21 years later Riverway held a service to commemorate how God has consistently led the church, with contributions from many friends and members - past and present, and a sermon from Pastor Patrick Boyle.
God's timing is always perfect...Br. Claris Lombart shares a powerful message examining how God's purposes know no haste, and no delay.
Pastor Nerine Barrett presents a challenging message, encouraging us to consider how we are spending our time, and what we really prioritise, based on Psalm 90.
Elder Ivy Williams brings a challenging message on Jesus' injunction to abide in him.
Elder Ben Bruneau shares some thoughts around this inspiring statement of scripture: ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’
Sometimes the pull of our past can hinder us in our Christian walk. Ashley Bloom explores this idea through the experience of the Israelites in the wilderness.
Nigel Nicholls shares a powerful message marking Riverway's Disability Awareness Day, on the story of Jesus and Blind Bartimaeus.
Costa Vaggas shares some amazing insights into what it means to praise God in the darkest circumstances
How often do you think about what you're thinking about?...Pastor Jerry Smith explores how influential our thoughts are in determining our actions, and our characters for Riverway's communion service.
Daniel Bruneau explores some inspiring biblical accounts of times when God has fought for his people and how we can have faith in him to bring us victory today.
Ashley Bloom examines an often neglected topic; what the Bible says about being a light in our workplace.
Pastor Jerry Smith takes us through scriptural examples of when, despite doubts and fears, we have no choice, but to stand up, and act.
For our communion service Pastor jerry Smith shares a message about catching God's scent, and letting it rub off on us
Pastor Paul King-Brown shares a very relevant message on how the church can most effectively influence the community around us - taking inspiration from the book of Daniel.
Olivia Smith shares A powerful message on not allowing ourselves to be limited, and boldly accepting the plans that God has in store for us.
Elder Sam Thompson shares a powerful message about what is needed for us to stand.
Pilira Zapita shares a powerful testimony, about her spiritual journey as students from Newbold College hosted this week's service at Riverway
Elder Trevor Johnson shares a timely message on the importance of Unity in the Body of Christ, and the role that literature evangelism can play in the life of the Church
We often hear about the 'Fear of God', but what does it really mean? In this message, Ashley Bloom explores the relationship between fear, sin, and the love of God.
Pastor Jerry Smith shares thoughts on what it means to be with Christ, for Riverway's Communion Service
Daniel Bruneau explores the topic of the angelic forces of Heaven, working on our behalf
Ashley Bloom delivers the final message in Riverway's 'Last Day Events' series - A joyful exploration of Heaven and the New Earth
The fourth sermon in our 'Last Day Events' series looks at the often misunderstood subject, of the Millennium and the eradication of Sin, and righteous judgement of the saints.
Daniel Bruneau shares powerful message about the Second Coming of Christ to continue our 'Last Day Events' Series
Pastor Jerry Smith continues our 'Last Day Events' series with an in-depth look at the prophecies recorded in Revelation 1-11, and what they mean for us as Christians today
Dr Daniel Bruneau Begins Riverway's five-part series on last day events, with a message focussing on the signs of the times from Matthew 24.
Lineage is a groundbreaking documentary series which charts the journey of the Christian church from it’s origins, through the reformation, to the present day. Some of the team behind the series share some insights into creating Lineage, and spiritual lessons that we can draw from our rich history.
We conclude our Elijah series with a message from Ashley Bloom, exploring how to respond when our faith is challenged by disappointment; the aftermath of the Showdown on Mt Carmel, and Elijah's flight from Jezebel.
Pastor Jerry Smith continues our 'Days of Elijah' series by exploring the theme of faith in the midst of a broken world. We focus on the epic showdown on Mount Carmel, from 1 Kings Chapter 18
Ashley Bloom Opens the 'Days of Elijah' series with a message on living by faith.
Dr Amos Burke preaches on the topic “In The Beginning God”
Jody Bloom examines the topic of revival, through the Biblical Book of Ezekiel
Pastor Jerry Smith explores the meaning of 'God as our father' through this well known passage of scripture
Elder Ashley Bloom examines Christian service for our Riverway's Global Youth Day Programme