In a very special programme, the Riverway members share a celebration of the birth of Christ, through readings and song, in our Virtual Carol Service.
Elder Laith Shares a powerful Message. taking inspiration from Jesus' prophetic Mission of Luke 4: 16-20.
Pastor Alex Shares a reflection on Moses' experience with the Israelites, and what we can learn, when it comes to how we treat one another in the Church family.
Concluding Riverway's Week of Prayer, Pastor Lolly Fontaine shares some reflections on the theme of Integrity, in this interactive message.
Pastor Alex explores the account of the woman caught in adultery in John 8, through the experience of the Pharisees, the crowd and the woman herself.
Pastor Alex reflects on what it means for God's character to be reflected - in His Word, and in us, as His people.
What does it mean to be 'a pilgrim and a stranger'? Ashley Bloom examines the Bible's focus on living in the world, but it not being our ultimate home.
Elder Pete Price joined our online service at Riverway, and shared some powerful reflections on one of the best-loved portions of Scripture; the 23rd Psalm.
Dr Chris Levy shares a powerful message from the Book of Matthew, examining the lives of people that Jesus encountered who were in need of more than just physical healing.
Pastor Alex provides a unique perspective on the story of Jesus' encounter with Zacchaeus.
Tamara Muroiwa shares a timely message reflecting on Jesus' words in Matthew 6: "Give us this day our daily bread."
Pastor Adam Ramdin - NEC Youth Director, and presenter of the documentary series 'Lineage' shares a powerful message highlighting the lives of some of the key figures of the Reformation, and challenging us with the question - 'will we choose a comfortable life, or stand up for God when it matters most?'
Rachel & Angela Anderson share a rendition of the beautiful song 'You Raise Me Up'
Daniel Bruneau explores what the Bible means when it tells us to 'Wait upon the Lord'
Laith Wallace shares a timely message for the Church, examining Jesus' words to the Pharisees in Matthew 23, we are challenged to get rid of our masks and become 100% genuine with God.
Br. Claris Lombart provides an in-depth study on the Biblical foundations of the Seventh-Day Sabbath.
Rachel & Angela Anderson sing a beautiful arrangement the well - loved hymns ‘Great is Thy Faithfulness’, and 'My Jesus I Love Thee'
Following on from an amazing two-part series on Biblical Archaeology, Jody Bloom continues to take us through some more examples of recent archaeological discoveries that give powerful evidence supporting the reliability of scripture. Part 3 focusses on the intriguing site of Khirbet Qeiyafa, and what it reveals about one of ancient Israel’s greatest Kings.
Susan, Rachel & Katie, accompanied by Angela perform the well-loved hymn encouraging us to 'Take it to The Lord in Prayer'
Rachel & Katie, accompanied by Angela Anderson cover Chris Tomlin's rendition of the classic hymn 'Amazing Grace'
As we go through often troubling times, Elder Jermaine Wong explains why we still have no need to fear, if we trust in God.
How should we deal with the fear and panic around us? Is there something we can learn from the experience of Jesus’ own disciples?
Pastor Aris Vontzalidis draws out some important lessons from the Lord's Prayer. Challenging us to rethink the way that we communicate with God.
Pastor Jerry Smith examines a dilemma that often comes up for Christians; considering the time that has passed since Christ's ascension, are prophecies of his return still relevant for us today?
Christina Thomas shares a powerful message on three gospel accounts of Jesus healing blind men, and reflects on our need for spiritual clarity in our own lives
In the second instalment of a two - part series, archaeologist Jody Bloom takes us through some examples of recent archaeological discoveries that give powerful evidence supporting the reliability of scripture. Part 2 focusses on the magnificent ancient city of Babylon.
In this first instalment of a two - part series, archaeologist Jody Bloom takes us through some examples of recent archaeological discoveries that give powerful evidence supporting the reliability of scripture. Part 1 focusses on Assyria - specifically the conquest of the ancient city of Lachish
Costa Vaggas shares a thought-provoking exploration of God's love for us with this challenging question.
Through the Book of Revelation, Pastor Jerry Smith examines the cosmic conflict that is taking place in our world, and the secret of how we can overcome our adversary through God's power.
This week's message focussed on the life of one of the most striking figures in the New Testament - John the Baptist