To mark the end of 2024 and the start of 2025, Elder Ashley Bloom Shares part 1 of a series on the life of Joseph.
For Riverway's Communion service, pastor Japheth examines Colossians Chapter 1, and how Jesus serves as a bridge, connecting us to our Heavenly Father.
Elder Carol Mamora challenges us to ensure that our Christianity is practical and ministers to those around us.
Serena Pascall shares a powerful personal testimony exploring how we can still experience the peace of God in the midsts of our grief.
Is meekness weakness? Does it mean being timid and not standing up for anything? Or is it rather controlled strength? Elder Dominic Gyasi continues our series on the Beatitudes by exploring the Biblical truth of what it means to be Meek.
For the SEC's Creation Sabbath, Brother Ezekiel Mudzi examines the concept of being spiritually dead, while physically alive. And how Jesus can resurrect us from this condition.
As Part of Riverway's prayer, fasting and testimony service, Pastor Japheth continues our theme of the Beatitudes, looking specifically at the statement 'Blessed are those who mourn'.
Daniel Bruneau addresses an often overlooked trait of the Christian life; Vulnerability - and how in the eyes of God it leads to true strength.
Elder Hugh Grey examines some of the most crucial differences of a life lived for ourselves and a life dedicated to living for God.
Elder Sam gives us a timely reminder of the need to be ready in our Christian lives, especially in the time of Earth's history in which we are living
Pastor Matthew Herel Revisits the account of our first parents hiding from God in the Garden of Eden, and reflects on how we still try to hide from God today, yet he pursues us in love.
Cheyna is a full time 'Musicianary' based in California. She is committed to spreading the gospel through her musical talent. We were blessed as she shared an evening of her musical ministry
Touching on themes of The Great Disappointment, as well as the story of the rich young ruler, and a powerful personal testimony, Elder Emosi Naivalu encourages us not to allow our faith to be shaken when we go through times of disappointment.
How do we respond when God seemingly guides us on an unexpected detour, instead of what seems straightforward to us? Through the story of the Israelites on the borders of the Red Sea, Elder Ashley explores why we are sometimes taken 'The Long Way Round'
Pastor Alex returns to Riverway to shine a light on what it means to manage God's resources through Biblical stewardship.
For Riverway's Communion Service, Pastor Japheth shares a reflection on the impact of Jesus' sacrifice for us today.
Pastor Wilson Lagos brings some powerful lessons from the accounts of Jesus feeding the 5000, and the 4000 in the Gospels.
Chisha Chitambala concludes Riverway's series on the fruit of the Spirit by exploring the traits of Gentleness & Self Control
Continuing the theme of 'Fruit of the Spirit'. Adrian Van Aswegen shares some powerful reflections on the meaning of true Faithfulness.
'God is Good.' It's a phrase we often use. But what does Biblical Goodness really entail? Elder Ashley Bloom examines the sixth Fruit of the Spirit in our ongoing series.
Jermaine Wong took us to Mount Sinai where God's kindness to His people was revealed in His Ten Commandments.
Through the contrasting accounts of Jacob & Esau, and David & Saul, Jody Bloom examines the spiritual gift of patience.
Pastor Alex focusses on John 14, and Jesus' powerful promise that he will give us peace - not as the World gives, but a peace that passes all understanding.
Elder Laith Wallace continues our Fruit of the Spirit series by speaking on 'Joy - Beyond Circumstances,' Sharing some powerful scriptures, personal testimonies and medical research, he highlights the importance of a Spirit-centred joy in our lives.
Elder Ashley Bloom begins our series by exploring the greatest fruit - Love. There are so many interpretations for how the world sees love, but what can we understand from the Bible about what this word really means in our lives; God's love for us, and the love we as a church should have for each other?
Pastor Alex examines the story of blind Bartimeus' encounter with Jesus. And asks the challenging question; when it comes to those in need, are we acting as a barrier to keep them away from Christ, or a support to bring them to Him?
Continuing on from the previous message: 'Building an Attitude of Gratitude'. Elder Ben explores the importance of service to our lives as Christians.
Valerie Bloom shares a powerful message about what it means to be engaged in a strange battle...a spiritual battle between Christ and Satan, which he fights on our behalf.
To Close Riverway's Youth Week of Prayer, Elder Monique Joseph shares a message entitled 'Connect 4'; Examining how we stay connected to God in our spiritual lives.
The fifth session of Riverway's Youth Week of Prayer 2024. Presented by Elder Monique Joseph.
The fourth session of Riverway's Youth Week of Prayer 2024. Presented by Elder Monique Joseph.
The third session of Riverway's Youth Week of Prayer 2024. Presented by Elder Monique Joseph.
The second session of Riverway's Youth Week of Prayer 2024. Presented by Elder Monique Joseph.
The Opening Session of Riverway's Youth Week of Prayer 2024. Presented by Elder Monique Joseph.
Pastor Alex explores Psalm 100, and what it really means to connect with God through genuine praise and worship.
Exploring the story of the woman at the well, Chingy Yuen shares the testimony of how God has worked in her own life and, when it comes to our Heavenly Father, how we can be About our Father's business.
Sometimes it isn't the dramatic, purposeful choice to turn away from God, but the slow, creeping compromises that can derail our spiritual connection. Elder Ree Muroiwa examines this topic - Mind the Gap
Referencing the Blind man who Jesus healed in John 9, Pastor Alex examines what it means to be healed from our spiritual, as well as physical blindness.
Elder Sam Walters shares some powerful reflections from Luke 19, - the story of Jesus' life-changing encounter with Zacchaeus.
Pastor Royston Smith continues to encourage Riverway's focus on outreach and evangelism, by exploring the account of Philip bringing Nathanael to come and encounter Jesus for himself.
Derek Morrison shares his amazing journey of growing up as a black child, in a white family, the challenges he found with racism and his eventual acceptance of faith.
For Riverway's first communion service of 2024, Elder Ashley Bloom asks the question, 'What does it mean to be worthy to partake in the Lord's Supper?'
Elder Daniel Bruneau begins the messages for 2024 by inviting us to come back to Jesus and 'Reset'.