Pastor Jerry Smith shares a powerful message on the Sabbath - how keeping it is primarily about preserving our relationship with God.
Focussing on Luke’s parables of the lost sheep and the lost coin, visiting speakerStephen George explores the question: ‘How much are we worth to God?’
For Riverway's AYS service, Chisha Chitambala shared a some practical, biblical advice on reaching others with your personal testimony.
As well as ministering with a sermon, and afternoon programme, Riverway was blessed to have Chisha Chitambala & Stephen George perform a cover of Neville Peter's song 'Tears in Heaven'.
As well as ministering with a sermon, and afternoon programme, Riverway was blessed to have Chisha Chitambala & Stephen George perform a cover of Neville Peter's song 'Carry You'.
Pastor Jerry Smith and Elder Ashley Bloom contrast two incidents in the lives of Jesus and His disciples which demonstrate powerfully the necessity of prayer.
Riverway Seventh-Day Adventist Church was officially dedicated on the 26th September 1998. 21 years later Riverway held a service to commemorate how God has consistently led the church, with contributions from many friends and members - past and present, and a sermon from Pastor Patrick Boyle.
God's timing is always perfect...Br. Claris Lombart shares a powerful message examining how God's purposes know no haste, and no delay.
Pastor Nerine Barrett presents a challenging message, encouraging us to consider how we are spending our time, and what we really prioritise, based on Psalm 90.
Elder Ivy Williams brings a challenging message on Jesus' injunction to abide in him.
Elder Ben Bruneau shares some thoughts around this inspiring statement of scripture: ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.’
Sometimes the pull of our past can hinder us in our Christian walk. Ashley Bloom explores this idea through the experience of the Israelites in the wilderness.
Nigel Nicholls shares a powerful message marking Riverway's Disability Awareness Day, on the story of Jesus and Blind Bartimaeus.
Costa Vaggas shares some amazing insights into what it means to praise God in the darkest circumstances
How often do you think about what you're thinking about?...Pastor Jerry Smith explores how influential our thoughts are in determining our actions, and our characters for Riverway's communion service.
Daniel Bruneau explores some inspiring biblical accounts of times when God has fought for his people and how we can have faith in him to bring us victory today.
Ashley Bloom examines an often neglected topic; what the Bible says about being a light in our workplace.
Pastor Jerry Smith takes us through scriptural examples of when, despite doubts and fears, we have no choice, but to stand up, and act.
For our communion service Pastor jerry Smith shares a message about catching God's scent, and letting it rub off on us
Pastor Paul King-Brown shares a very relevant message on how the church can most effectively influence the community around us - taking inspiration from the book of Daniel.
Olivia Smith shares A powerful message on not allowing ourselves to be limited, and boldly accepting the plans that God has in store for us.
Elder Sam Thompson shares a powerful message about what is needed for us to stand.
Pilira Zapita shares a powerful testimony, about her spiritual journey as students from Newbold College hosted this week's service at Riverway
Elder Trevor Johnson shares a timely message on the importance of Unity in the Body of Christ, and the role that literature evangelism can play in the life of the Church
We often hear about the 'Fear of God', but what does it really mean? In this message, Ashley Bloom explores the relationship between fear, sin, and the love of God.
Pastor Jerry Smith shares thoughts on what it means to be with Christ, for Riverway's Communion Service