In Riverway's final message of 2021, Pastor Alex examines Jesus messages of warning about leaven - how the doctrine and practices of the Pharisees, Sadducees and Herod represent traits that we need to be aware of in our Christianity today
Referencing the Fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5, Daniel Bruneau shares some powerful insights into the need of spirit - led kindness in the Church.
Pastor Alex brings explores the characteristics of James and John - the Sons of Thunder.
Looking at the account of Lot escaping from Sodom, the Israelites being freed from Egypt, and several other Biblical accounts, Myrin Hall asks the question: 'Do I have a place in Heaven?'
Pastor Israel Williams presents a powerful message examining the contrasts between Jesus' encounters with the Pharisee Nicodemus, and the Woman at the Well.
For Riverway's Communion service, Pastor Alex shares a timely message about how to truly prepare to take part in this sacred ordinance
Ashley Bloom explores the dangers of self-righteous human wisdom, by looking at the example of Nicodemus.
Tamara Muroiwa shares some powerful personal testimonies in her message about seeing our lives through God's eyes - with the Eye of Faith
Pastor Claude Lombart contrasts the unbelief of the leaders in Jesus' time, with Christ's authority, as seen in Chapter 7 of John's Gospel
Claris Lombart shares some reflections from the Biblical account of Cornelius
Pastor Alex Shares a timely message about being conscious of God's presence at times where we feel isolated or alone
Dan Robinson examines the events of Acts Chapter 27; As Paul and his companions are caught in a terrible storm on their journey to Rome, the Bible reveals to us how God was in control of the seemingly hopeless situation
Elder Ben Bruneau examines the things that cause us to be anxious, and why putting our trust in God can enable us to overcome them.
For Riverway's Men's Ministry emphasis day, Elder Devon Boyd reflects on the story of Jonah, and how we can learn from his example, to stop running from God in our lives.
Elder David Billett shares a powerful message on how believers can overcome fear, when we put our trust in God
For Riverway's Communion service, Pastor Alex brings us back to the central theme of our faith - the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ himself, to secure our salvation
Focussing on the experiences of Paul and Silas as they are arrested and thrown into prison, Elder Jimmy Musonda shares some reflections on how God's will can often seem strange and inexplicable to us, but how, ultimately it is the only dependable way.
As Riverway Church opened for it's first in-person service in a year, Past Alex shared a timely message about hiding in God
For Riverway's Health Emphasis Day, Valerie Bloom walks through the Biblical principles of health outlined in the NEWSTART programme.
Focussing on the account of the rich, young ruler coming to Jesus, Elder Darren Pascall explores what it really means to trust Jesus, and not our own works for our salvation.
Looking at some of Jesus' interactions with the Pharisees, found in the book of Matthew, Pastor Alex shares a challenging message on how we as church members interact with those around us.
Elder Glen Boothe explores the Journey of the Patriarch Jacob, and his encounters with God as he fled his home and returned.
Iheanyi Obasi shares a powerful message, reminding us of the importance of communal intercessory prayer, as the people of God
Dr Daniel Bruneau preaches a powerful sermon on ‘The Root of all Genuine Promises’.
On this Easter weekend, Jody Bloom takes a look at the lives of three men who encountered Christ on his way to the cross, and the impact He had on them.
Pastor Alex shares some powerful reflections from the disciple's experience, as Riverway celebrates it's first virtual communion service
Rachel Anderson shares a powerful message for Global Youth Day 2021, referencing the life of Jonah, and examining what it means to 'Be the Sermon'
For Riverway's Women's Emphasis Day, Elder Marlene Levy shares a powerful examination of the life of Ruth
Nicole Gooden shares a powerful message from the Book of Habakuk about trusting God, even when you’re going through the toughest circumstances
David Buruchara Kicks off Riverway's 'Christian Home and Marriage Week' with a powerful reflection on John 13, Showing how Jesus' love for us is the model for our relationships with others.
As part of Riverway's 10 Days of Prayer 2021 programme, Elder Leslene Peat-Brown shares an inspiring message, examining the powerful revival movements of the past, in countries like Wales and the USA. She also asks what revival means to us today.
Pastor Alex examines how our spiritual growth is not only related to a vertical connection with God, but our relationships with other people are an essential component; and how this is incorporated into our experience as a church.